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Toshitsugu Takamatsu



Hatsumi Sensei and Takamatsu Sensei (Taken in the sixties) Takamatsu Sensei, passing on knowledge in his eighties



Hatsumi Sensei

The pictures below were taken in January 2003 and are from a seminar given at Daisho Dojo by John Gardner 9th Dan at the time, also in attendance was Brian Duckers 10th Dan.


John Gardner Demonstrating a form of ura Gyaku January 2003 seminar John Gardner demonstrating another form of hand release technique



Brian Duckers demonstrating another movement More Demonstrations from John Gardner



Brian Duckers Demonstrating the entry into Musha Dori

It is only recently that Pictures have been added to the site. If anybody has pictures related to training that they wish to share with the rest of us, please pass them to me by Email and I will put them on here next time I update the site.