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Hard work, Love, Dedication and Endurance.

Daisho Dojo came about as the result of the Bujinkan Ikkan Dojo losing sessions due to the function room they used as a Dojo being double booked for other functions. It was at this time that the group first talked about having their own Dojo. This lead to hiring part of the cellar at the Lordens Hotel in early 2000.

The clean up operation was a huge task carried out by many of the friends and practitioners from Bujinkan Ikkan Dojo and friends in the martial arts community. Steven (a.k.a. Stevie steam hammer!) and myself carried out much of the work in spare time and evenings. This involved clearing the room of countless years of rubbish build up and no longer used equipment. We fitted Donated fire doors to the walls so as not to have rough rock walls in the Main part of the dojo and carried out renovation work. The walls were cleaned and painted and countless trips to the local dumpsite were undertaken.

In time, the main Dojo area was made into a useable training space. Bujinkan Ikkan Dojo students helped with this process and installed adequate lighting for the venue. Carpets were purchased and donated by various people whom used the Dojo whilst renovation work was continued. This gave the groups that ran in Daisho Dojo at that time a room to train in that was both affordable and private.

Impact Martial Arts helped out by supplying the dojo with lockers and training mats. Kick shields, boxing gloves were also donated by I.M.A. when they replaced this equipment at their own club. A set of kendo armour was also donated by Impact as a gift for the free tuition and knowledge their instructors had received whilst training at the Taijutsu classes.

Many people gave many hours of their time and helped to make Daisho Dojo become a reality. Many, if they were named would be embarrassed, as they did their bit for the Dojo and for everyone that uses it, for no other reason than to help and serve each other from friendship and respect. In the past the Martial Arts were warrior arts and warriors served their society best by the protection and service they provided.

This is something we would like to propagate at Daisho Dojo.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who helped us to move forward in any way. On with the journey...